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Sculpture conservation & restoration

Conservation and re-display of marble 'Eve', Kibble Palace, Glasgow Council.

Graciela Ainsworth Sculpture Conservation is an award-winning company in the field of conservation and restoration of historic building facades and interiors, architectural ornament, Museum and Art Gallery artefacts, sculpture in private collections, municipal and garden statuary, churchyards, gravestones and war memorials. We have extensive experience working with all types of stone including sandstone, limestone, marble, granite, alabaster, soapstone and serpentinite, bronze and other metals, terracotta, plaster, ivory, mother of pearl and polychromed objects including gilding.

We undertake condition surveys and conservation reports, we lecture and write articles, as well as always being available on a consultative basis.

  • Consultancy, survey and feasibility studies that include comprehensive condition surveys with photographic and diagrammatic recording of the condition of the object, highlighting areas of concern.
  • Assessment of any previous treatment documentation or apparent intervention.
  • The creation of reports to document any survey, analysis or treatment undertaken, alongside any recommendations or specifications for future conservation or restoration work.

Our team is entrusted by the National Trust for Scotland, the National Museums of Scotland and the National Galleries of Scotland, among others, for the safe relocation of sculptures and artefacts. We also have a wealth of experience in designing and creating imaginative and sensitive displays and fixings for sculptures.

Graciela Ainsworth and other members of the team are also trained sculptors and passionate artists that have carried out numerous commissions for municipal and private clients.

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Conservation and re-display of marble 'Eve', Kibble Palace, Glasgow Council. Conservation and installation of Marble Busts. Playfair Library. Conservation and re-display of polychromed lead sculpture of George II, National Gallery of Scotland. Conservation of GSA Plaster cast collection. Glasgow School of Art.The conservation of the plaster cast of Michelangelo's dying slave, in GSA Gallery. Conservation of plaster bust of Stanley Baxter with new plinth, 'Tickling Jock' exhibition, NGS.
Conservation of polychromed Egyptian box, Oriental Museum, Durham. Conservation of stone and fine wooden Egyptian artefacts, Durham Oriental Museum. Dismantling, re-building and patination of Garnick Florence Vase, Signet Library, Edinburgh. Conservation of two original Plaster John Bacon busts, private collection. Conservation and restoration of the Mother of Pearl Processional Cross for the Comper Church of St Margaret's, Aberdeen.
Re-painting of the Heron from the cast iron Macfarlane Bathgate fountain.